La historia visual del interfaz de administración de WordPress
6agosto 5, 2013 by ceslava
WordPress tiene 10 años y acaba de lanzar la versión 3.6 3.7 3.8. Como cualquier otro software las nuevas versiones van …
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Category blog, plugins | Tags: administración, diseño, historia, plugins, WordPress
WordPress 3.6 y Twenty Thirteen ya disponibles
0agosto 2, 2013 by ceslava
Ya está disponible la versión 3.6 de WordPress, bautizada como Óscar en honor al pianista de Jazz Oscar Peterson. En …
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Category blog | Tags: actualización, infografía, temas, WordPress
0agosto 2, 2013 by ceslava
The 2013 theme for WordPress takes us back to the blog, featuring a full range of post formats, each displayed …
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Category wpthemes | Tags: black, brown, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-width, light, microformats, one-column, orange, post-formats, right-sidebar, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, tan, translation-ready, two-columns, white, yellow
12 generadores de código para desarrollo de WordPress
0julio 25, 2013 by ceslava
GenerateWP es un recurso buenísimo para todo programador que esté buscando algún snippet de código básico para un plugin o …
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Category blog, plugins | Tags: generador, plugins, programación, temas, WordPress
0julio 23, 2013 by ceslava
Ryu is a clutter-free theme for personal bloggers. It has great readability with a large font size, and the one-column …
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Category wpthemes | Tags: black, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, fixed-width, flexible-header, light, one-column, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, translation-ready, white
0julio 23, 2013 by ceslava
Celebrate is a responsive theme built on top of Hybrid Core, featuring a full range of post formats, masonry layout, …
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Category wpthemes | Tags: black, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-images, flexible-width, gray, light, one-column, orange, post-formats, right-sidebar, sticky-post, translation-ready, two-columns, white
0julio 23, 2013 by ceslava
A theme built with bloggers in mind. Faber is easy to customize, lightweight, 2 column, widget ready, SEO optimized, and …
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Category wpthemes | Tags: custom-background, custom-menu, featured-images, fixed-width, gray, light, right-sidebar, sticky-post, threaded-comments, two-columns, white