0Convention is a simple, clean and minimal blog theme. Perfect for personal blogging, using as a starter theme, posting photos and more. Uses the Customizer to add your custom logo and a custom image header. We just released the 2.0 update which makes it responsive. Visit for more minimalist WordPress themes, all themes + Support for $39.
Convention by Fimply
(1 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)
0Debut is a solid and clean responsive theme, for sharing your ideas with the world. Make Debut your own by changing the background, colors and more with the new Theme Customizer and real-time preview. Based on _s by Automattic, Debut is translation-ready (French is already included), supports featured images, has five widget areas and includes a sliding menu for mobile screens. Debut also includes a full-width page template, and a special menu for adding social media icons.
Debut by kwight
0Responsive WordPress magazine theme with 3 home page layouts, 300×250 ads, 125×125 ads, 8 premade (Black, Blue, Red, brown, pink, white and Green) ready to use color schemes/skins, 2 page layouts including a full width page template, featured posts, social icons, twitter updates, threaded comments and widget support.
Destro by
0Keiran is a clean, dark two-column blog theme by To customize the theme you can choose your own link-color, header-image, favicon and background. Keiran is ready to translate and is available in English and German.
Keiran by Marion Lindert
Book Lite
0One column classic book style blog theme. Fully responsive, large fonts and very easy to read. Clean and Minimalist design with focus entirely on content — Content First.
Book Lite by Chandra Maharzan
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