Turn pink your WP site on the World International Breast Cancer Day

I try to help and support women that are suffering breast cancer. On the World International Breast Cancer Day I thought we could turn pink Internet.
Pinkify is a simple WordPress plugin that will turn your site pink.
You can try it here testing the result in more than one hundred WordPress Themes.
Desde La Leyenda de Caillou y Pelones Peleones tratamos de ayudar y apoyar a quienes sufren cáncer de mama. En el Día Internacional del Cáncer de Mama donde el mundo se tiñe de rosa, porqué no también Internet.
Pinkify es un simple plugin para WordPress que teñirá de rosa tu web.
Puedes probarlo aquí en cientos de temas de WordPress.
Posted by: ceslava | on octubre 25, 2012
Uridimmu is a parent theme for bloggers. It supports WordPress nav menus, has several widget areas, and allows per-post layouts.
Uridimmu by Thiago Senna
More info and download | Demo
Posted in wpthemes | No Comments »
Tags: custom-background, custom-menu, featured-images, fixed-width, full-width-template, left-sidebar, microformats, one-column, right-sidebar, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, three-columns, translation-ready, two-columns