Mindscape is an innovative, easily customizable, multi-purpose theme, focused on empowering users to build astonishing WordPress websites. Mindscape is mainly designed for small businesses, startups, or personal portfolio websites and works perfectly with Kubio Page Builder which enriches the WordPress block editor with a variety of new blocks and advanced styling options to give you full design freedom.
Mindscape by Extend Themes
OnePress is an outstanding creative and flexible WordPress one page theme well suited for business website, portfolio, digital agency, product showcase, freelancers and everyone else who appreciate good design. The theme overall is an elegant and classic one, a fine example of Bootstrap 4 WordPress theme which compatibility with latest version of WooCommerce. (Live preview : https://demos.famethemes.com/onepress)
OnePress by FameThemes
More info and download | Demo
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Etiquetas: blog, custom-menu, e-commerce, featured-images, full-width-template, left-sidebar, one-column, portfolio, right-sidebar, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, two-columns