25 octubre, 2012
A simple and responsive wordpress theme. Perfect for blog-magazine, streetwear, clothing, fashion, photography, design or culture. 1 column, 1 column-sidebar, sidebar- 1 column
haze by Php Ninja
A simple and responsive wordpress theme. Perfect for blog-magazine, streetwear, clothing, fashion, photography, design or culture. 1 column, 1 column-sidebar, sidebar- 1 column
Uridimmu is a parent theme for bloggers. It supports WordPress nav menus, has several widget areas, and allows per-post layouts.
The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single views, and an optional no-sidebar page template. Make it yours with a custom menu, header image, and background.
I try to help and support women that are suffering breast cancer. On the World International Breast Cancer Day I thought we could turn pink Internet.
Pinkify is a simple WordPress plugin that will turn your site pink.
You can try it here testing the result in more than one hundred WordPress Themes.
Desde La Leyenda de Caillou y Pelones Peleones tratamos de ayudar y apoyar a quienes sufren cáncer de mama. En el Día Internacional del Cáncer de Mama donde el mundo se tiñe de rosa, porqué no también Internet.
Pinkify es un simple plugin para WordPress que teñirá de rosa tu web.
Puedes probarlo aquí en cientos de temas de WordPress.
In the knee-length sliver world, deep red fruits are still delicate and charming in the chilly winter . This theme supports WordPress nav menus, widgets,Post Formats,and support for featured images (as custom header images on posts).
Radius is a free WordPress theme allowing you to create any type of website you want. Radius features: custom background, drop-down menu, header logo, highly customizable and adaptable, theme options, post excerpts with thumbnails, SEO friendly, translation ready, W3C valid, widget-ready, threaded comments & more. It is tested major browsers – Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and Chrome. Radius is suitable for any business or personal website.
A very neat and clean black and white business theme. The theme supports widgets. And features