One-column mobile friendly, minimal and modern Photography and Personal WordPress theme. It’s perfect for you to share your travel photos or journal.
Satu by Satrya
Retina is a modern and clean blog WordPress theme. Retina is enhanced for Gutenberg – WordPress visual posts editor. It is an ideal theme for personal blog, newspaper and online magazine. Retina is fully responsive to make sure a consistent experience on various devices & resolutions.
Retina by WPAisle
picolight is a neutral, light, clean and professional looking WordPress theme. You can set your own header image and favicon. You can configure the menu bar and the link color.
picolight by Valentin
InfoWay is a Clean, Simple & Elegant Responsive WordPress Theme built by You can use Infoway Theme to build beautiful website for your business site and your blog. The core of Infoway Theme is its simplicity to Install and use, you can customize and use your own logo, texts and images easily using the in-built Themes Options Panel. InfoWay Theme support widgets in sidebar and footer, which gives you infinite ways to customize your site. The Theme comes with elegant color scheme which looks good for different types of website. You would definitely love to create your website using InfoWay.
InfoWay by
ilisa is a clean and minimal WordPress Theme that can be easily used as a personal portfolio or a business website. A responsive layout optimizes the theme for mobile devices. To customize the theme you can choose your own link-color, logo and favicon.
Ilisa by Marion Lindert
Attitude is a Simple, Clean and Responsive Retina Ready WordPress Theme which adapts automatically to your tablets and mobile devices. Theme is easily customizable with numerous theme options via Customize. Some of the highlighted options are two site layout (Narrow and Wide), 5 layouts for every post/page, 5 Page Templates, 5 widget areas, 4 custom widgets, featured slider to highlight your post/page, 11 social icons and many more. Also has custom background, header, menu, favicon, CSS, webclip icon, and logo. Supports popular plugins like WooCommerce, bbPress and many more. It is also translation ready. Available Translation: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Spanish, Norwegian (Nynorsk), German, Russian, Dutch, Italian and Danish. Get free support at and view beautiful demo site at
Attitude by Theme Horse