Mes: marzo 2013

  • Cazuela


    Cazuela WordPress theme, developed by ThematoSoupCazuela by ThematoSoupCargando…More info and download | Demo

  • Attitude


    Attitude is a Simple, Clean and Responsive Retina Ready WordPress Theme which adapts automatically to your tablets and mobile devices. Theme is easily customizable with numerous theme options via Customize. Some of the highlighted options are two site layout (Narrow and Wide), 5 layouts for every post/page, 5 Page Templates, 5 widget areas, 4 custom…

  • Memori Jingga

    Memori Jingga

    Responsive ,Clean, HTML 5,Simple WordPress themes.Memori Jingga by MiftachudinCargando…More info and download | Demo

  • Clippy


    Un clon para WordPress de Pinterest Check Clippy Documentation in case you need directions or get support from Forum.Clippy by Site5.comCargando…More info and download | Demo

  • Focused


    Check Focused Documentation in case you need directions or get support from Forum.Focused by S5themes.comCargando…More info and download | Demo

  • 10 años de WordPress en una infografía

    10 años de WordPress en una infografía



    Los amigos de WiniThemes, un gran buscador de themes no sólo de WordPress, han creado esta infografía mostrando las bondades de WP. Han pasado 10 años desde que en 2003 Matt Mullenweg y Mike Little convirtieran b2 cafelog de Michel Valdrighi en este gran CMS que es WordPress. Las cifras una década después son abrumadoras:…
